Profile of Gun Violence in Colorado
Several years ago, CFCU adopted a public health approach to gun violence and its prevention, meaning that we start with data. Compiling, analyzing, and reporting data on the prevalence, trends, and demographics of gun violence are first steps in developing our responses to this public health crisis. We recently completed the 2024 Profile of Gun Violence in Colorado, with 2023 updates of firearm deaths and injuries. In addition to the full report, there is also a 1-page summary of key findings. We hope that both will be useful to you in your efforts to address gun violence.
Who We Are
As congregations of diverse faith traditions, we are called by shared belief in the sacredness of human life to protect and preserve it.
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU) is the only faith-based organization in Colorado dedicated to ending gun violence.
March Digest
Upcoming CFCU Events
Click here to view a full list of past and future CFCU events.
Advocacy Resources
Advocacy is one of CFCU's core activities. But what to do and how and when to do it can be intimidating. That's why the Advocacy Team has developed a tool kit consisting of:
A PowerPoint called "How to Develop A Rapid Response Network in Your Congregation" that describes what RRNs are, how to get one started, and how and when to use your congregation's RRN.
A recorded webinar called "How to Testify at the Colorado General Assembly"
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that shows you in a few easy steps how to testify at the Colorado Legislature either in-person or remotely. Testifying is a powerful way to advocate for firearm-related bills.
(Please note that in order to access the links in the presentation you’ll need to download the PowerPoint from the link below.)
The PowerPoint used in the webinar that will provide you with links and let you make copies for your congregation's Rapid Response Network or gun violence prevention group.
We are not helpless.
Click here to see a few actionable steps you can take right now.