Kindred Organizations

Local and National Organizations

The organizations listed here are all active in the arena of violence related to guns and firearms. We provide these links for your convenience and as additional sources of information on lives lost to gun violence. Each of these organizations report interesting articles and points of view on firearms and deaths in Colorado and the nation. You will also find here calls for action and participation in events in Colorado and the nation.

The organizations are divided into local and national. Please refer to these sites to help you present the case to your members. The short statement for each organization is from the organization web site

Colorado Organizations

Colorado Ceasefire

“Colorado Ceasefire is an all-volunteer led gun safety organization that has been advocating, lobbying and promoting responsible gun ownership since Coloradans voted to close the gun show loophole in 2000. Our goals are:  1) to reduce gun violence through grass roots action and professional lobbying; 2) to strengthen gun safety laws that reduce preventable injuries, trauma, and death from firearms by keeping firearms out of criminals’ hands and preventing mentally/emotionally unstable individuals from hurting themselves and others with a firearm; 3) to encourage responsible gun owners to promote extensive training and education before operating a firearm.”

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)

“We are a non-profit membership organization. CCADV works with a diverse network of rural and urban domestic violence advocacy programs across Colorado to encourage appropriate and comprehensive responses to family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence against adults or youth.”

League of Women Voters of Colorado

“The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, has fought since 1920 to improve our systems of government and impact public policies through citizen education and advocacy. The League’s enduring vitality and resonance comes from its unique decentralized structure. The League is a grassroots organization, working at the national, state and local levels.”

Stand Strong Colorado

“We are a coalition of diverse, concerned Coloradans united in support of our state’s new common sense gun safety laws. We believe that our legislators made Colorado safer by creating laws that require background checks for private gun sales, limit high-capacity magazines and help domestic violence victims by taking guns out of the hands of their attackers. Now we need our legislators to Stand Strong with us as these reasonable laws continue to be attacked by special interests. Join us today as we Stand Strong for common sense and for Colorado.”

Do Not Stand Idly By

The Do Not Stand Idly By campaign was launched by Metro Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) to encourage the world’s gun manufacturers to protect the lives of people across America. Metro IAF is part of the Industrial Areas Foundation, a national network of multi-faith organizations. Metro IAF is neither a gun-control group nor a gun-rights group.

National Organizations

Americans for Principled Leadership

“Our mission is to elevate the gun safety discussion to the national level with enough momentum to build a movement that effectively educates people to the benefits of having principled leaders into office. Our vision is that no one suffers from an accidental gunshot wound, no one uses a gun to commit suicide and criminals lack access to guns from both legal and illegal sources.”

Americans for Responsible Solutions

“On the second anniversary of the horrific Tucson shooting, as America mourned the dead in Newtown, Gabby and her husband, retired Navy Captain and astronaut Mark Kelly, launched Americans for Responsible Solutions to encourage elected officials to stand up for solutions to prevent gun violence and protect responsible gun ownership.”

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

“Changing Culture: A key part of reducing gun violence includes changing how we think about the guns in our communities and in our homes.”

““Changing Laws: The Brady Campaign supports a policy platform that addresses the problem of gun violence and is driven by the opportunity to save the most lives.”

“Changing the Gun Industry: For over 25 years the Brady Center’s Legal Action Project has been the nation’s only law group fighting in the courts to prevent gun deaths and injuries. We reform the negligent and dangerous practices of the gun industry by representing victims of gun violence in high-impact lawsuits, including law enforcement officers shot in the line of duty, as well as children and families.”

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

“The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is a 501(c)(4) organization that was founded in 1974. We seek to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy. Our organizational structure is unique among national gun violence prevention organizations. CSGV is composed of 47 national organizations working to reduce gun violence. Our coalition members include religious organizations, child welfare advocates, public health professionals, and social justice organizations. This diversity of member organizations allows us to reach a wide variety of grassroots constituencies who share our vision of non-violence.”

Everytown for Gun Safety

“Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, change has been thwarted by the Washington gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.”

Hunters Against Gun Violence

“We are all hunters, former hunters and/or gun owners. We cherish our right to use firearms in a safe and responsible manner to pursue recreation and provide food for our families. We believe in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

“We are deeply troubled by the increase in mass shootings and generally widespread use of guns in domestic violence, suicides and the incidental, unintended deaths due to careless use or storage of guns. Thus, we believe more gun safety regulation is needed.”

Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research is dedicated to reducing gun-related injuries and deaths through the application of strong research methods and public health principles. Its faculty have pioneered innovative strategies for reducing gun violence, and achieved a national reputation for high-quality, policy-relevant research.”

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

“The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence maintains the most comprehensive information on U.S. firearms regulation anywhere, including in-depth summaries of federal and state firearms laws and policies nationwide. The Law Center tracks information on critical topics like background checks, assault weapons and machine guns, who can carry guns and where they can be carried, domestic violence restrictions, and mental health reporting. Search our firearms law database to find the laws on the books in your state or use our fifty-state comparisons to see the trends in gun laws across the nation.”

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

“Much like Mothers Against Drunk Driving was created to reduce drunk driving, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America was created to demand action from legislators, state and federal; companies; and educational institutions to establish common-sense gun reforms.” “Moms Demand Action supports the 2nd Amendment, but we believe common-sense solutions can help decrease the escalating epidemic of gun violence that kills too many of our children and loved ones every day.”

Violence Policy Center

“Each year, more than 30,000 Americans die in gun suicides, homicides, and unintentional shootings as a result of the ready availability, and accessibility, of specific classes of firearms. Gun violence is more than a crime issue; it is a broad-based public health crisis of which crime is merely the most recognized aspect. The Violence Policy Center (VPC), a national tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, works to stop this annual toll of death and injury through research, advocacy, education, and collaboration. Firearms are the only consumer product not regulated by a federal agency for health and safety. This unique exemption has been exploited by the gun industry as it has moved to embrace increased lethality as the foundation of its design, manufacturing, and marketing efforts in the wake of the long-term decline in household gun ownership. The VPC believes that the answer to reducing gun violence lies in applying the decades-long lessons of consumer product safety regulation and injury prevention to the gun industry and its products.”