August 2024 Digest

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary!

Announcing our 10th Anniversary Celebration: Sunday afternoon, September 22!

Location:   First Plymouth Congregational Church, where it all started! 

3501 South Colorado Blvd.  Cherry Hills Village

From 3 - 5 pm

Watch for an invitation coming soon!

In this edition of the Digest:

  • Top Ten Ways You Can Support CFCU--Ways 4 and 3

  • Send your video greeting to wish CFCU a happy 10th anniversary.

  • Rand Report on Effects of Firearm Policies

  • Colorado Mental Health Ballot Initiative

  • Dangers of Ammunition Vending Machines

  • Some Summer GVP Events

  • Our CFCU Featured Congregation: Washington Park UCC

  • CFCU Calendar

Top 10 Ways to Engage with CFCU!

In this segment, our Top 10 Ways to Engage with CFCU! campaign focuses on our partners in the gun violence prevention (GVP) community. CFCU leaders work collaboratively with a broad array of groups to address the public health epidemic of gun violence (recently recognized as such by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy!).   You can find all of the previous Top 10 Ways here.

The #4 and #3 Top Ways to Engage involve educating yourself about our partners and then engaging your congregation in a specific opportunity for collaboration with Colorado Ceasefire, one of our strongest allies!

So, here we go! Drum roll, please. . .

Top 10 Ways to Engage with CFCU #4

Educate yourself about some of CFCU’s partner organizations

Click the link below to find links to seven organizations who are doing the work of preventing and reducing gun violence and with whom we work.

#4 Way to Support CFCU


Top 10 Ways to Engage with CFCU #3

Host a presentation on the Extreme Risk Protection Order law (ERPO)

With the support of CFCU, Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) became law in Colorado in 2020; the law was updated in 2023.  ERPOs allow family members, law enforcement, educators, mental health providers and others to petition the courts for temporary removal of firearms from individuals who are at risk to themselves and/or others.

Register to attend the ERPO presentation here.

#3 Way to Support CFCU

Top 10 Ways to Engage with CFCU articles are submitted by Cheryl Fleetwood, Central Presbyterian Church

Send your personal greetings to wish CFCU a Happy 10th Anniversary

Play the video on the right to watch Daryl Foelske send his greetings.

With our 10th Anniversary Celebration only weeks away, we are inviting you to make a short video of yourself.  Talk about your relationship with CFCU, your congregation, or other organizational association if any, and why you are a member.  Or gather your congregation together and make a group video.  Then wish CFCU a Happy 10th Anniversary!  All videos will be edited into one that will be shown at our event on September 22 and shared on social media after.  Send your video of about one minute to Communications.  

Daryl Foelske is a member of Lakewood Untied Church of Christ.  He is on the CFCU Executive Committee, Steering Committee and convene the Communications team.  The quilt behind him is one of many made by his wife Malinda.

Latest RAND Report on the Effects of Firearm Policies on Key Outcomes

RAND recently released its fourth evaluation of empirical studies on the effects of firearm policies on key outcomes -- What Science Tells Us About the Effects of Gun Policies.

The report looked at 18 policies in three categories (who may legally own or purchase firearms, regulation of firearm sales, and storage and carrying of firearms) and eight outcomes (e.g., suicides, violent crimes, accidents, mass shootings, police shootings, etc.). To read the findings click the button below.

Article submitted by Stephanie Greenberg, Congregation Bonai Shalom 

Read more about the Rand Report here.

Colorado for Mental Health Ballot Initiative

By virtue of the passage of HB24-1349 (Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax), which CFCU supported, an initiative will appear on the November ballot stipulating a 6.5% excise tax on the sale of firearms, gun precursor parts, and ammunition. The tax will provide a stable funding stream for support programs for victims of violent crimes, mental health services for youth and veterans, and support school safety and gun violence prevention programs. This initiative is projected to raise $39 million a year for mental health services.

Article submitted by Stephanie Greenberg, Congregation Bonai Shalom 

Read more about this ballot initiative here.

A Dangerous Development in the Sale of Ammunition

American Rounds, a Texas-based company, has installed ammunition vending machines in grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas with plans to expand to grocery stores in Colorado (Buena Vista, Poncha Springs, and Pueblo County) in the very near future. The vending machines use AI technology, card scanning, and facial recognition software to verify the identity and age of buyers. But it’s unclear how the dispensers prevent those with felony convictions and other prohibited persons from obtaining ammunition. The vending machines can also be hacked, allowing criminals to bypass security measures and purchase ammunition. With the large number of gun shops and other vendors that already sell ammunition, does Colorado need even greater access to ammunition through its sale in vending machines in local grocery stores? 

(From The Smoking Gun, July 9, 2024)

Article submitted by Stephanie Greenberg, Congregation Bonai Shalom 

Summer GVP Events

Visit the CFCU Table at the Boulder County Fair

Our Featured Congregation of the Month: 

Washington Park United Church of Christ

Pastor Lee Berg describes Washington Park UCC as "the community that always swings up...always has a heart of doing justice."  With their 35 members worshipping in person and another dozen or so on zoom, Wash Park is a small but powerful community which creates a large footprint.  Among the ministries they are involved with is FISH - the East Denver Food Bank and St. Francis Center, supporting those who are unhoused.  In the 1950's they were already working for fair housing and against racial injustice...they are taking the lead in our community in climate justice,  and were raising awareness of gun violence beginning at the time of the summer of violence in 1993.  

Beginning in 1994, until 2014 Wash Park UCC led a Good Friday Vigil Against Gun Violence each year, visiting many sites where gun violence had taken place, honoring the victims by laying flowers at the spot of the death, and relating the gun deaths to the journey of Jesus to the Cross.  "This was an ecumenical and interfaith event and a public witness to the fact that gun violence is wrong," explained Allyson Sawtell, who along with her husband led the effort.  "The press would come, legislators, the Sisters of was a way to show that gun violence was wrong and we were bearing witness."

Wash Park has been a part of CFCU since the beginning.  It was one of the original 25 founding congregations, and the meetings for the Executive committee of CFCU were held at Wash Park for many years.  We are grateful for the many ways that Wash Park UCC has contributed to the growth and success of our organization.

Lee Berg, pastor of Washington Park United church of Christ

Allyson Sawtell, long-time member of Washington Park UCC.


Washington Park UCC at a Climate Rally.

Allyson and Lee both wanted to acknowledge Alice Silver, who has been a long time member and a passionate leader in the area of gun violence prevention work.  She worked with CFCU in its first years.

Washington Park UCC, which is over 100 years old will be moving to a new location. soon, also as a way of acting for justice.  They will be moving to Archway Communities on the Mosaic Community Campus. The sale of their building will enable the congregation to continue their support of justice ministries that are a part of their service in the world: addressing food insecurity, the need for low income housing, the perils of climate change, the tragedy of gun violence and support for migrants. Repurposing congregational assets will enable Wash Park to support justice ministries, those in need and extend the life of the congregation in the new community forming at Mosaic.”

Article Submitted by Rita Niblack, Most Precious Blood Catholic Church

CFCU provides both information and opportunities for congregations to participate in gun violence prevention as communities of faith.  Your donations help us to do this work.

Donate securely to CFCU here.

Calendar  for August and Beyond

  • August 15:  10:00 AM:  Communications meeting on Zoom.  Please contact Daryl ( for more information. 

  • August 20:  2:00 PM  Advocacy Committee Meeting: on Zoom. For more information, please contact Stephanie at 

  • September 17:  3:30 - 5:30 PM. Steering Committee Meeting on Zoom.  For more information please contact Alana Smart (

  • September 18:  10 - 11:30 AM. Public Health Strategies Meeting on Zoom.  For more information please contact Alana Smart (

  • September 22:  3 - 5 PM  CFCU 10th Anniversary Celebration.  Watch for more information!