We are not helpless.

Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence (CFCU) remains committed to ending senseless and preventable gun deaths in Colorado. Following such recent tragedies, CFCU understands how frustrated and hopeless people can feel. As communities of faith, we must continue to work toward our goals of ending gun violence. Here are just a few actionable steps you can take right now:

  1. Call upon Congress to pass commonsense, bipartisan legislation to restrict the ownership of firearms, require background checks for all gun purchases, eliminate background check loopholes, tighten laws against gun trafficking, require gun safety training, fund gun violence prevention programs, and address gun violence as a public health crisis. 

    By making your voice and outrage heard, you can help push your elected officials toward enacting change now. The U.S. Capitol Switchboard can connect you with your representatives’ offices: (202) 224-3121

  2. Sign Up for CFCU’s Rapid Response Network to receive action alerts on public policy issues including gun violence prevention.

  3. Talk to your congregations about Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) and safe gun storage. Provide opportunities within your own community to discuss suicide prevention. See detailed list of contacts and organizations on our Resources page.

  4. Donate to an organization helping those impacted by gun violence. Below are just a few you might want to consider.

Newtown Action Alliance Foundation https://www.newtownactionalliancefoundation.org/mission

Victims First - https://www.victimsfirst.org

Survivors Empowered - https://www.survivorsempowered.org

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