May 2023 Digest

Here's what’s in your May Digest:

  • Governor Jared Polis Signs into Law Four Common Sense Gun Laws

  • CFCU Members At the Capitol for the Signing

  • Mayoral Candidates and their Positions on Gun Violence

  • Engaging Faith Communities in the GVP Fight:

  • CFCU Featured in article by Tom Mauser

  • Save the Date for the Clergy Luncheon planned for June 1

  • Guns to Gardens Update

  • This month’s featured CFCU Member Congregation: Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren

  • CFCU visits DSST Elevate for Have Fun No Guns

  • Curious Theater Production of On the Exhale

Governor Jared Polis Signs into Law Four Common Sense Gun Laws

On Friday, Governor Jared Polis signed the four gun laws passed by the legislature during this term.  He says that these bills will make Colorado one of the safest states in the nation.  

Watch the CBS News report of the signing here.

The bills are:

SB23-168, Gun Violence Victims' Access to Judicial System (Sponsors: Sens. Sonya Jaquez Lewis and Chris Kolker, Reps. Javier Mabrey and Jennifer Parenti) Repeals Colorado’s severe gun industry immunity law protecting gun manufacturers, dealers and distributors.  Prior to the signing of this bill, individuals who sue over egregious actions are held liable for defendant’s legal costs.

SB23-169, Increasing Minimum Age to Purchase a Firearm  (Sponsors: Sens. Kyle Mullica and Jessie Danielson, Reps. Monica Duran and Eliza Hamrick)

Establishes a minimum age of 21 for purchase of both handguns and long guns (rifles and shotguns). Current federal regulations:  21 for handgun, 18 for long gun.

SB23-170, Extreme Risk Protection Order Petitions (Sponsors:  Sens. Tom Sullivan and Stephen Fenberg, Reps. Jennifer Bacon and Mike Weissman)

Expands the list of petitioners from family members and law enforcement to also include Colorado’s attorney general, district attorneys, educators, health care and mental health care professionals.

HB23—1219, Establishing a Three-Day Waiting Period to Deliver a Purchased Firearm (Sponsors:  Reps. Meg Froelich and Judy Amabile, Sens. Tom Sullivan and Chris Hansen)

Establishes a 3-day waiting period between the time a background check begins and the time of completion of the purchase or transfer.

CFCU Members At the Capitol for the Signing

CFCU members joined other gun safety advocates on the steps of the Capitol to mark the signing of four major gun safety bills by Gov. Polis and thank legislators who spent hours in endless hearings to get them passed.  Passage of a ghost gun ban is expected shortly. The failure to pass an assault weapons ban was very disappointing, but we’ll be back next year. These new laws will save lives and promote more accountability in the gun industry:

CFCU’s Advocacy Team did an amazing job keeping us informed about this legislation and who to contact. Special thanks to all those who contacted their legislators or testified and the CFCU members who stood up at the Capitol:

Rev. Deacon Jack Korn, St. John’s Cathedral

Rev. Gail Erisman, Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren

Tom Mauser, who moderated the program, Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren

Eileen McCarron, President Colorado Ceasefire

Susie Pappas, Montview Presbyterian

Alana Smart, B’nai Havurah

Fr. Michael Nicosia, St. Paul ECC, and Regional Vicar of Ecumenical Engagement

A four woman contingent from St. John’s Episcopal in Boulder

Mayoral Candidates and their Positions on Gun Violence

After several mayoral forums we have a pretty good idea of the stance that each of the mayoral candidates for the run-off election have about gun violence.

In an article in the Denver Gazette on April 29,  Johnston is quoted as saying: "Young people ... got passed yesterday the most historic batch of gun control legislation that this state has seen in over a decade," Johnston said at the rally. 

Despite the progress, those fighting for more gun control are "not done yet," Johnston said.

"This job is not done until we come back and deliver an "assault weapons" ban in Colorado," Johnston said. In the Denverite, Johnston is quoted as saying the he would like to increase the size of the police, and would push for a 10-day waiting period for gun purchases in Denver.  He is a gun-owner himself.

Kelly Brough outlines her plan for ending gun violence on her Mayoral Candidate Website, which include dedicating a department of the police to track weapons using more sophisticated technology such as is being used in New York City, support gun buyback events, more after school programs for youth and mental health support.

The run-off election is scheduled for June 6.

CFCU does not endorse or work for candidates.  The above information is provided as a service to readers as to stances taken by candidates on gun violence.

Engaging Faith Communities in the GVP Fight:  CFCU Featured in article by Tom Mauser 

CFCU is honored to have its story told so well by Tom Mauser, a tireless advocate for gun violence prevention since his son Daniel was killed at the Columbine High School mass shooting on April 20, 1999.  He has been walking in Daniel’s shoes ever since in the fight for safer schools and communities.  Tom now belongs to Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren, a CFCU member, and serves on the board of Colorado Ceasefire.  Armed with Reason is a new publication of GVpedia.  Mauser is the author of Walking in Daniel’s Shoes:  A Father’s Journey Through Grief, Controversy, Activism, and Healing Following His Son’s Death at Columbine.  

Article written by Alana Smart, B’nai Havurah

Save the Date for the Clergy Luncheon planned for June 1

Thursday, June 1, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

CFCU Clergy Members and their congregational representatives are invited to a luncheon at:

 Henderson Community Church, 12001 Oakland Street, Henderson, CO 80640

We are excited to be able to meet in person again!

Come and get reacquainted with CFCU

Details will be sent to Clergy and Representatives soon

Guns to Gardens Update

G2G volunteers dismantled 57 firearms at the most recent event at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church.  There were over 60 volunteers from 14 different faith communities.  The event was dedicated to Audra Dominguez who was killed last fall by gun violence.   Eight of her family members including her parents were among the volunteers.  “We did this together!  And we will keep doing this…again and again, in order to save lives,” said one of the CFCU team leaders.  The next CFCU Guns to Garden’s next event is June 10.  Visit our Denver Metro website to find out more information, to donate and to volunteer.  Guns to Gardens Denver

This month’s featured CFCU Member Congregation:  

Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren

“Simply, peacefully, together” is the tagline for Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren in Littleton, Colorado, a congregation that is among the historic peace churches with a 300 year history.  “We try to live up to our name, because we believe that peace is the way of Jesus Christ,” explained Pastor Gail Erisman Valeta.  “We see peacekeeping as a key ingredient of faith.”  The congregation in Littleton dates back to the 1920’s and has about 100 members.  On any given Sunday you will see about 40 in attendance.  

Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren has a long history of working to end gun violence. “We have been supporting gun laws since long before Columbine happened in 1999, but that was a wake up call to be more proactive,” said Pastor Gail.

Pastor Gail Erisman Valeta at Iona Abbey in Scotland during a trip last fall.

During the past years Prince of Peace has been creative in developing activities to work for peace, including PIZZA AND PEACEMAKING during lunch at an Aurora high school.   WALK OUT, WALK OVER, was an event in which students from Heritage High School walked to Prince of Peace where they were given opportunities to develop peacemaking skills with Tom Mauser and Linda Newell. 

Tom Mauser and his family joined Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren in 2015 and that added another layer to the work of ending gun violence.  Tom’s son Daniel was killed during the Columbine shootings.   He was a speaker at their church, before he was a member.  But now they have the benefit of him being both.

Prince of Peace is one of the founding members of CFCU.  “We are an open and affirming congregation in Littleton and excited to be part of the community that cares about sensible gun laws.”  

Written by Rita Niblack, Most Precious Blood Catholic Church

CFCU visits DSST Elevate for Have Fun No Guns

CFCU member St. Thomas Episcopal and Guns to Gardens Denver (Public Health Strategies Action Team) were present for the Sol and Salsa Event sponsored by Struggle of Love Foundation at  DSST: Elevate Northeast High School.  The afternoon included food and performances, games and music.  The club Have Fun No Guns  provided inspiring speeches about preventing gun violence.  St. Thomas was passing out free gun locks, which G2G team were promoting the next event. Attending the event were Taylor Davenport-Hudson, John Bickham and Rita Niblack, Mary Svoboda, Kathi Atkins, and Angela Pleasants.

Curious Theater Production of On the Exhale

On the Exhale a play by Martin Zimmerman portrays the effect that gun violence has on a liberal college professor, and the feeling of power that a weapon can give a person.  It stars Dee Covington, and is playing at the Curious Theater on Acoma Street in Denver from May 6 through June 10.

Curious Theater

Next edition of the digest will be out on Friday, June 2.  Please send articles, suggestions for articles and photos for this edition by Friday, May 27.  Send to Rita Niblack (


CFCU April 2023 Digest