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February 27, 4pm: Preventing Firearm Suicides webinar

Dr. Lena Heilmann, Director of the Office of Suicide Prevention (CDPHE) will present a webinar on preventing firearm suicides.  While she presented to our PHS Action Team last year, this talk focuses on preventing firearm suicides, which constitute 70% of gun deaths in Colorado. The LWV is a valued ally in our gun violence prevention advocacy.

Thursday, Feb. 27 at 4:00 PM

(While you've got your calendar open, please note that the next meeting of CFCU's Public Health Strategies Action Team will be Wednesday, April 2 from 10:00 am -11:30 via ZOOM)

February 20

February 20, 10am–12pm: Communications Meeting

April 2

April 2, 10am–12pm: Public Health Strategies Meeting