July 2024 Digest
Celebrating our 10th Anniversary!
Save the date
for our 10th Anniversary Celebration:
Sunday afternoon, September 22!
Watch for more information coming soon.
In this edition of the Digest:
Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence Prevention a Public Health Crisis
Register for our HIP informational Session on July 2
Gun Violence Prevention Advocate Vic Bencomo is Battling Cancer
Legislative Update from the Advocacy Team
July 20: Honoring the Victims on the 12th Anniversary of the Aurora Theater Shooting
Healthcare Claims for Firearms Injuries Increase in Colorado
East High School Gun Violence Activists Speak at Holy Family
CFCU at the Boulder County Fair
Community Firearm Safety Event in Lafayette
Our CFCU Featured Congregation: Central Presbyterian Church
CFCU Calendar
Surgeon General Declares Gun Violence
a Public Health Crisis
On June 25, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy for the first time issued a Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence, declaring firearm violence in America to be a public health crisis. The advisory outlines the devastating and far-reaching consequences that firearm violence poses to the nation’s health and well-being. Like Surgeon General’s Advisories in the past, including tobacco use and drunk driving, this advisory extends the issue of gun violence beyond law enforcement and politics to the public health sphere.
The Advisory contains a wealth of national data on the prevalence, demographics, and emotional impacts of gun violence on communities, families, and children, as well as public health approaches and recommended actions to reduce firearm deaths and injuries. Among the recommendations are:
closing loopholes in background checks
requiring secure storage of firearms
restricting assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
improving data sources and expanding research
improving safety standards for all firearms as with other consumer products
expanding access to mental health support services and substance abuse treatment
greater investment in community risk reduction
To read the Advisory: https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/priorities/firearm-violence/index.html
Article submitted by Stephanie Greenberg, Congregation Bonai Shalom.
Handgun Intervention Program (HIP) Information Session on July 2
Informational Zoom Session on July 2 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. led by Alana Smart.
Click here to register, and you will receive the zoom link.
Legislative Update from the Advocacy Team (July 2024)
Gov. Polis signed all eight gun violence prevention bills that cleared the Legislature in the 2024 session. We’ve been told that it’s a record. Here is the information about each of the bills and the dates of when the new laws go into effect:
Read more about Colorado firearm related legislation here.
July 20 is 12th Anniversary of the Aurora Theater Mass Shooting
The Aurora Century 16 Movie Theater Shooting, in which 12 people were killed and 70 others were injured, most of them from gunfire took place on July 20, 2012. In the two months prior to the tragedy, the shooter had legally purchased four firearms, including an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington 12-gauge shotgun, and a .40 caliber Glock handgun and had amassed over 6,000 rounds of ammunition.
CFCU congregation member St. Paul Catholic Community of Faith will participate in the 7/20 Day of Resilience Healing and Wellness Fair held at the Aurora Water Wise Reflection Garden at NW corner of Alameda & Chambers.
Father Michael Nicosia will be offering blessings for anyone who would like them. You can learn more about the 7/20 Day of Remembrance here.
Healthcare Claims for Firearm Injuries Increase in Colorado
Gracie and Clara Taub Lead Student Gun Activists at East High School
See photos and more about their talk here.
Some Summer GVP Events
Articles submitted by Stephanie Greenberg, Congregation Bonai Shalom
Visit the CFCU Table
at the
Boulder County Fair
Our Featured Congregation of the Month:
Central Presbyterian Church
Dr. Libby Clarke and her family joined Central Presbyterian Church in May, 2022, because of its strong emphasis on service and ministry. Libby, a primary care geriatrics doctor for almost eleven years, works at Denver Health. She is married to Josh and has a four year old son, Miles.
Central Presbyterian was founded in 1860, with a history of over 160 years in the heart of Denver. Its strong focus on service begin the in the 19th century with English classes for Chinese immigrants working on the railroad and in the mines. It continued through the founding of Presbyterian Hospital (now Presbyterian-St. Luke's), as one of the founding churches of Metro Caring. Today Heartbeat Denver Working Men's Shelter, which houses over 100 working men a night and Purple Door Coffee, which employs youth who are experiencing homelessness are both housed by Central Pres.
Libby is a member of Moms Demand Action and she has been getting CFCU emails since 2016. Cheryl Fleetwood, a member of the Executive Committee of CFCU, was also engaged in gun violence prevention work and in 2022 Central Presbyterian officially became a member of CFCU.
When Libby joined Central Pres, she quickly became a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Ministry. working with Cheryl Fleetwood. "We are passionate, and our church empowers lay leaders who have a passion to take the lead. We have a group of between 10 and 15 regular attendees. We have hosted talks on ERPO, supported Guns to Gardens and most recently hosted the Lobby Day for gun violence legislation.
Josh, Miles and Libby Clarke, Easter photo at Central Presbyterian Church
Pastor Louise Westfall has led Central Presbyterian since 2011. She is the author of two Bible studies. The Sunday service is at 10:30 a.m.
Article submitted by Rita Niblack, Most Precious Blood Catholic Church.
Calendar for July and Beyond
July 2: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. HIP information Program on Zoom. Register here.
July 16: 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Steering Committee Meeting on Zoom. For more information please contact Alana Smart at alanaks@aol.com
July 17: 10 - 11:30 a.m. Public Health Strategies Meeting on Zoom. For more information, please contact Alana Smart at alanaks@aol.com
July 18: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Communications Meeting on Zoom. For more information please contact Daryl Foelske at dfoelske@gmail.com
July 25: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Firearm Safety Event in Lafayette
August 20: 2:00 PM Advocacy Committee Meeting: on Zoom. For more information, please contact Stephanie at advocacy@cfcu-co.org
September 22: CFCU 10th Anniversary Celebration. Watch for more information!
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence, P.O. Box 18770, Denver, Colorado 80218, USA