Our Work


The real work of Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence is done within our four Action Teams — Advocacy, Outreach, Public Health Strategies, and Communications. Volunteers select the team they wish to participate in and meet regularly with their group to advance CFCU priorities.



Develops and maintains strong working relationships with both potential and member congregations. Efforts include building Rapid Response Networks in support of Colorado gun violence prevention legislation, providing program ideas for GVP efforts in individual congregations, and aiding clergy addressing gun violence as a public health issue.


Public Health Strategies

Promotes a public health approach to reducing firearm deaths and injuries through credible data, research, policy advocacy, public education and training programs, and the development of partnerships with public health entities. Current focus on suicide prevention, public education about Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) and preventing youth gun violence. Efforts guided primarily by the kinds of programs and resources that need to be in place for gun safety laws to be as effective as possible.


Analyzes and responds to local and state legislative initiatives that have a direct influence on reducing the improper or inappropriate use of firearms. Works to support bills and, when necessary, oppose others through direct testimony, letter writing, phone calling, and other means. The team also collaborates with Colorado Ceasefire to organize the annual Lobby Day event to train gun violence prevention advocates in effective lobbying.



Advances the message of faith communities working to end gun violence by promoting events, programs, and relevant data via local media, member congregations, and other appropriate organizations. Also strives to disseminate information on resources for congregational engagement.